Become A Credit Union Advocate!

As not-for-profit financial cooperatives, credit unions put people before profits. Because you’re a member-owner, it is important to know about policy proposals and actions that could affect you. And because we are all stronger together, we may ask you to lend your voice on important issues that could impact your financial life. The purpose of our credit union advocacy efforts is not to influence your vote, but rather to:

  • explain political and legislative issues facing credit unions
  • educate on the unique structure of credit unions
  • show where elected officials stand on these issues
  •  ways for you to take action!

Click here to join the credit union advocacy fam!

Credit Unions Pay Taxes

  • Credit unions are taxed differently because they are structured differently.
  • Credit unions pay millions in taxes each year, including state monies and credits tax on legal reserves that banks do not pay.

Click here to learn more about Iowa Credit Unions and what they do for our Iowans!