Welcome to miscellaneous services!

Money Orders and Cashier’s Checks – Each serve different purposes and have different rules, but they are all considered “guaranteed funds.”

Notary Services – Because some things have to be “noted” legit we provide this free service to our members.

Medallion Stamp/Signature Guarantee This is a special signature guarantee typically used for the transfer of securities and is also a free service to our members. Please call so we can ensure you have all the necessary paperwork and to schedule a time to come in.

Night Drop – Both locations have a night drop “depository” drawer on the building. Put your goodies and instructions in an envelope and we’ll process your transaction as soon as we open.

Coin Machines – Got coin? Coin redemption is available at the Colorado Street location and is free for members. There is a 15-pound limit, transactions over that will be assessed a $0.50 per pound overage fee. Foreign coin is not accepted.

Account Printouts/Copies – Need a copy of your transaction history, statement or check – we can get you copies of all those, however there are nominal fees involved. Use eBranch and stay fee free.
